Tuesday, April 6, 2010

t minus 24 days

I think that today I'll just post a basic description of my plans. I'd like to get a little deeper into my motivations too, but that's for another time. I'm finding that both plans and motivations are very difficult to explain fully, but I am hopeful that both will become more apparent on their own, as I set out and start posting real updates.

I will be 'hitting the road' in early June 2010 to travel the world. (I've been targeting early May for quite some time, but in accordance with the whims of the Great Magnet, I will be spending that month in North America.) I made this blog to keep my wonderful family and friends updated on where I am, what's going on, what I'm thinking, and share some pictures. One of my guiding principles is to be flexible to the maximum, and as such, I don't have concrete "plans" at this point.

I consider this to be the third major decision I've made in my life. The first was in 2001 to join the Army, the second was in 2007 to leave the Army and go back to school. Well, I've finally finished my undergraduate degree and fully separated from the Army, so it is obvious that it is once again decision time. The idea was planted last September when I heard a presentation from my philosophy professor Darren Domsky (for the 3rd time). Since that time, I have worked hard to complete or otherwise eliminate anything that could be called an obligation. There's been a lot of things I've put to rest, but one by one, I have gotten to where I am now.

I could list the places in the world I would like to visit, but honestly, there is no place that I'm just not at all interested in visiting. I'd like to spend some quality time in Costa Rica, Cambodia, and Croatia. I may be away for a month before I come crawling back home, or I may be out and about for 10 years. Only time will tell!

I will be making extensive use of networks such as WWOOF and Couch Surfing. Here are some links to articles that I have taken guidance from:

8 Tools to Help You Travel Forever and Live Rent Free
How to Travel for Free
All About Teaching English in Japan
How to Travel the World by Crewing on Yachts
The last one is priceless... I'm definitely doing that.

And, to give credit where credit is due:
Where the Hell is Matt?

So, that's what I'm up to. This is the most rational and logical thing for me to do, and I am confident that I can say that objectively. Thanks to everyone who has expressed support for my decision. I can see that I have lots of people rooting for me. <3 you all!!

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